Unity ~ C# ~ Solo project
Game design - Learning Unity and C#
I self-taught myself C# and Unity to create this game. Without realising what I was doing meant, I found I was applying Object Oriented programming techniques like Inheritance and other programming tools that I can now identify as switch statements, Composition, If statements, etc. I also created all the artwork for the game myself.
Wasps are the enemy of the human race. We must stop them before our jam has all run out!
My first ever game! All the art work is my own. This is my first ever coding experience. At college I had to do a lot of art and I found that boring, so for my final project, I decided to be original and learn to program for it. I felt SO COOL! I used inheritance, I did all the artwork myself, I learnt C# and Unity, I knew I'd be a games programmer after this project.